A Registered Investment Adviser is required to include an ethics statement in some regulatory filings. The following ethics statement was adopted by Tony Novak, Registered Investment Advisor, for this purpose. While the adviser may no longer require separate registration as a Registered Investment Adviser, the ethics Statement remains relevant as the current standard of practice while operating as a Certified Public Accountant personal financial adviser.
The adviser must act in an honest and ethical manner and may not conduct any activity that is in conflict with clients’ best interests.
The adviser does not take custody of a client’s assets.
The adviser maintains a high level of security over clients’ personal information.
The adviser does not share information with any other person or entity except as specifically authorized by the client.
The adviser does not make gifts or political contributions that affect investment securities or base investment decisions on insider information.
The adviser does not accept cash or non-cash benefits for the recommendation of any investment security from any broker/dealer firm or any other firm associated with the securities.
The adviser does not accept gifts from any business associate that are valued above $50 or the amount specified under applicable law.
The adviser may invest in the same securities recommended to clients and does disclose that fact. Timing of the purchase and sales of investment by the adviser is based solely on the adviser’s personal investment style and cash flow needs and does not reflect in any manner the “buy” or “sell” decisions made to clients. The amount of securities bought or sold by the adviser is not enough to have any significant impact on the price of those securities and therefore is not deemed to present any potential conflict of interest. For example, the adviser might sell 100 shares of a publicly traded mutual fund from his own account on the same day that he recommends that a client purchase that same fund as a long term investment.
The adviser may not make any investment that creates the appearance of a conflict of interest with a client’s best interest.